I'll be the first to admit it... I'm a little bit addicted to YouTube vlogs.
Vlogs being the video equivalent to a regular written blog (for those of you who didn't know)... And after watching an extremely large amount of these videos over the years, I have come to the conclusion, that people are weird. Seriously... I'm not sure that people were meant to be able to expose themselves in the way that some now so easily do via the internet. Because clearly, there are some things that people say and do, that they would not be so anxious to do or say in real life... When speaking to a camera, or typing on a screen, there isn't that immediate reaction from a person opposite you that gives you hints as to whether or not what you're saying is acceptable... And that's a little bit scary. With the internet, it is now straight from thought to OUT for the world to see... No filters, no social cues, nothing but the mind of the person who's posting the material... And much of the time, people's minds are WEIRD.
I know from my own experience, that I have said things through MSN, email, facebook messages, HONESTY BOX(<-- worst invention ever), that I would NOT say in real life. Whether it be telling a boy on a whim that I "like" him, lashing out at someone for a rumour that I'd heard, or posting a gushy poem that I'd written about my "feelings" for the world to see... As you probably could have guessed, most of this was done during highschool. I think probably ALL of the drama I was ever involved in during highschool was fuelled by the internet, and a large portion of the emotional turmoil I went through as a teenager was made worse by the internet. If I could go back in time, I would have waited until my hormones had settled down and arranged themselves in a more regular manner before I signed up for facebook, myspace or any other social networking site... They are nothing but trouble when mixed with teenage angst... A fact proven true by the numerous and ever growing accounts of severe cyber bullying which often turn into much bigger issues such as eating disorders, depression, suicide, etc. It's a lot easier to pick on someone when you don't have to see the hurt on the victims face while you wound them emotionally with nasty comments about looks or awkwardness...
I'm glad I was never involved in any extreme cases when it comes to cyber bullying or harassment. Because honestly, after reading some articles about things that have happened to young girls after posting videos and pictures of themselves on social networking sites ... I feel pretty blessed to have come through my teens in the age of social networking with nothing more than a few embarrassing messages and posts. Those are things that are quickly forgotten by others, even if not by yourself. But sometimes, people aren't so fortunate. So I guess, moral of the story... If you're a teenager, or anybody else for that matter, watch what you post! Don't compromise your "real life filter" for an "online filter". Don't post pictures of yourself wearing something you wouldn't comfortably wear out on a daily basis. Think about the kind of person you'd like the people you respect to see you as, and don't stray from that standard... Better yet, think about the kind of person you think God created you to be, and don't stray from THAT standard!
I had no idea where this was going when I started typing... I just wanted to type. But there you have it! A rant on the dangers of social networking as a teenager.